Managing Food Waste in the Foodservice Industry

Food Safety

Food waste is a significant problem in the foodservice industry. According to a report by the National Zero Waste Council, Canadian restaurants generate 1.8 million tonnes of food waste each year. This not only has environmental impacts but also has financial implications for businesses. In addition, managing food waste is also a critical aspect of food safety. In this blog, we will explore the issue of food waste in the foodservice industry and discuss some strategies for managing it while maintaining food safety.

Food Safety Course Alberta

Before we dive into the topic of food waste management, it’s essential to highlight the importance of food safety training. The Alberta Food Safety course is mandatory for all foodservice workers. This course covers topics such as food safety hazards, personal hygiene, cross-contamination, temperature control, and cleaning and sanitation. By completing the Food Safety Course Alberta accepts according to their regulations, foodservice workers will have the knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of the food they serve to customers.

Now, let’s discuss some strategies for managing food waste in the foodservice industry.

Conduct a Waste Audit

The first step in managing food waste is to conduct a waste audit. This involves assessing the types and amounts of waste generated by your business. A waste audit can help you identify the areas where you are generating the most waste and develop strategies to reduce it. This can include tracking food waste, analyzing your menu, and examining your purchasing and inventory practices.

Menu Planning

Menu planning is another essential strategy for managing food waste. By designing menus that use seasonal, local, and sustainable ingredients, you can reduce waste while also providing customers with fresh and flavorful meals. Consider offering daily specials based on what ingredients are in season or available from local suppliers. This can also help you reduce food waste by using ingredients that might otherwise go unused.

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is critical to reducing food waste. By keeping track of what ingredients you have on hand and when they will expire, you can prevent over-purchasing and reduce the risk of spoilage. Consider using a first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory system to ensure that older ingredients are used before newer ones. This can help you reduce food waste while also ensuring the safety of the food you serve.

Portion Control

Portion control is another effective strategy for reducing food waste. By providing customers with appropriately sized portions, you can reduce the amount of food that goes uneaten. This can also help you control costs by reducing the amount of food you need to purchase. Consider offering smaller portion sizes or encouraging customers to share dishes. Although buffet-style can seem simpler for staff and enticing for customers, it leads to much more unfinished dishes and wasted food by the end of the day that it’s simply uneconomical.

Composting and Recycling

Composting and recycling are essential components of a comprehensive food waste management program. By composting food waste, you can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, which can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, recycling storage materials such as paper, plastic, and glass can further reduce waste and minimize your environmental impact.


Donating excess food to local food banks or charities is another way to reduce food waste while also giving back to the community. Not only does this help to prevent food waste, but it can also provide much-needed food to those in need. However, it’s essential to ensure that the food you donate is safe to consume. In Alberta, the Alberta Food Safety course provides food service workers with the knowledge and skills to ensure the safety of the food they donate.


Managing food waste is a critical aspect of operating a sustainable and successful food service business. By conducting a waste audit, menu planning, managing inventory, controlling portions, composting and recycling, and donating excess food, you can reduce waste and minimize your environmental impact. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that your food waste management strategies are aligned with food safety regulations. In Alberta, completing the mandatory Alberta Food Safety course is a crucial step in ensuring that your business is following the necessary food safety protocols. By implementing these food safety course Alberta strategies, you can reduce waste, save money, and contribute to a more sustainable food service industry. Together, we can work toward a future where food waste is minimized, and our communities and environment are healthier and more vibrant.

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