Power Outages & Wild Fires: How Home Generators Can Help

Have you ever been stuck in the dark due to a power outage? Whether it’s due to a storm, wild fire or other natural disaster, it can be incredibly frustrating. You’re stuck in the dark, unable to make hot meals, watch TV, or charge your phone and laptop.

Fortunately, there is a solution that can provide you with reliable power in the event of an outage: home generators. A home generator is the perfect fix when you need reliable and consistent power supply. They are powerful enough to keep your lights on during an extended power outage and can provide peace of mind during wild fires.

In this article, we will discuss how home generators will give you the ability to stay powered up even in difficult situations. We’ll cover everything from what size generator you need for your home to how to stay safe when using them. Read on for all the details!

Wildfires: What You Need to Know

Wildfires are a frightening and all-too-common occurrence that can leave you feeling helpless. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect your home and family from the dangers of a wildfire. First, it’s important to understand the basics of wildfire risk factors and prevention.

Wildfire risk is affected by several factors, such as weather conditions, home location and more. To reduce your risk of a wildfire occurring near your home, take precautionary steps like clearing dry brush and keeping combustible materials away from your house. Additionally, be aware of any burn bans or other local precautions that may be in effect during high-risk periods.

Finally, prepare for the worst with a backup plan in the event of an emergency power outage caused by wild fires or other natural disasters. Having an automatic home generator can serve as a reliable source of power in case of an unpredictable power outage. A generator can help you keep essential appliances running, such as refrigerators to store food or heaters to keep your home warm in the winter months.

Preparing for Power Outages

When it comes to dealing with power outages caused by natural disasters like wild fires, a home generator can be a lifesaver. Generators come in many sizes and styles, and they act as an emergency power source when the grid goes down.

Ready to get prepped? Here are a few things you should consider when shopping for a home generator:

  • Power Output: Think about the total wattage of all the things you’d like to keep running during a power outage, then choose a generator with enough wattage to meet those needs.
  • Tank Size: Larger tanks mean generators can run for longer periods of time, so if you’re looking for something that will last through long-term outages, opt for one with a larger tank size.
  • Type: Portable generators are easy to move around, while standby generators will remain in place and activate automatically when needed.
  • Noise Level: Consider where your generator will be located—if it’s close to your home or neighbors, make sure it has lower decibel rating and is ultra quiet.

By being prepared with the right generator and knowing which features to look for, you’ll relax knowing your family and home are safe even during power outages caused by wild fires.

Benefits of Standby Home Generators

When it comes to protecting your home and family from the dangers of a power outage or wild fire, there are a few different solutions available. One reliable solution is a standby home generator. A standby generator connects to your home’s power system and automatically senses when there is an outage and turns on within seconds, keeping your lights on and your home safe.

Standby home generators have several advantages over other power solutions:

  1. 24/7 availability: standby generators are ready for use at all times, ensuring you don’t lose power during an emergency situation.
  2. Consistent power: Unlike portable generators that can be prone to surges and inconsistent output, standby generators provide reliable electricity when you need it most.
  3. Cost savings: Not only do they provide consistent, reliable power in times of emergency but they can also help save you money by reducing energy costs due to their efficient operation.
  4. Home Security: Standby generators will keep your lights on when the power goes out, providing safety and security for your family and home.

So if you’re looking for an effective solution for protecting against wild fires or power outages, look no further than a standby home generator! With their reliability, efficiency and cost-savings benefits, these systems are the perfect choice for any household looking for peace of mind during uncertain times!

Different Types of Generators

When things go wrong and the power goes out, deciding on the right type of generator for your home is an important decision. Here are the different types of generators available to help you through your wild fire and power outage issues.

Portable Generators

Portable generators are small and can provide enough energy for essential appliances in the event of a power outage or wild fire. They come in a variety of power levels, with most models running on gasoline. These generators are typically light-weight and easy to store — perfect for when you need temporary back up during emergencies. The downside is that they require manual setup, so you’ll need to be prepared ahead of time.

Standby Generators

Standby generators are much larger than portable generators — they’re usually stationary and housed outdoors — so they require more installation specifics like permits and electrical wiring. These types of generators can keep your entire home powered through a wild fire or power outage via natural gas, propane or diesel fuel. If power outages occur often in your area, this might be worth it to ensure you always have back up energy for your home.

Whichever type you choose, having a generator during a wild fire or power outage can make life a lot easier — from charging cell phones to powering essential appliances like refrigerators, lights and air conditioning units — it’s one way to keep everything running smoothly through an otherwise difficult situation.

What to Look for When Buying a Generator

When you’re searching for a reliable generator, there are a few things you should keep in mind.


First and foremost, look at the wattage. Make sure it’s enough to power your home appliances and electronics, plus a few other goodies. For example, if you have an electric stove that needs 10,000 watts to run but the generator can only output 6,000 — it’s not going to work out.

Given that the average home uses 4,200 watts of electricity [Source], look for something around the 8,000 watt mark that can handle those peak usage moments when the AC kicks in or you want to run both your fridge and TV at the same time.

Quality of Parts

Durability is key — no one wants a generator that packs up after its 5th use—so take a look at what kind of parts it’s made with. Look for corrosion-resistant housings made from stainless steel and parts made from aluminum or iron for superior rust resistance—you don’t want your investments blowing away with the wind.

Fuel Efficiency & Noise Level

Think about how easily the fuel runs out — does this one need refilling every 15 minutes? Does it run on expensive fuel? And noise—check out reviews to see how loud it is, because no one wants an earsplitting experience in their own backyard!

Generator Maintenance & Safety Tips

When it comes to generator maintenance and safety, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost—don’t just ignore your generator. Make sure you regularly maintain it so that it’s ready to go when the power goes out.

Use the Right Fuel

Using the right fuel is key—make sure it’s the type of fuel recommended in your generator’s manual.

Regularly Change Oil

You should also change the oil and filter as recommended by the owner’s manual. Not doing this can cause damage to your generator, reducing its lifespan and effectiveness.

Storing Fuel Safely

Be sure to store any extra fuel in appropriate containers, like labeled 5-gallon jugs or steel drums — away from your living space, of course. And whatever you do, make sure you never store flammable liquids close to an operating generator; always be mindful of any potential fire hazards in these situations.

Last but not least: read up on all local laws regarding generator placement and use. Stay informed on how far away from your house you should place your generator, how far away from windows or walls is appropriate for placement, etc., so that you can stay safe while using it during an emergency power outage or wild fire situation.


Power outages and wild fires are becoming more of a frequent occurrence and while they can’t always be prevented, they can be better prepared for. Home generators are a great way to ensure that you and your family stay safe and secure in the event of a power outage or wild fire, and provide you with the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for whatever life throws your way.

Even though generators can be an expensive upfront investment, the cost of repair, replacement and backup power can add up quickly and be even more costly in the long run. Consider investing in a generator for your home. It might be very beneficial in the event of a power outage or natural disaster and could end up being one of the best investments you ever make.