15+ Vital Video Marketing Statistics You Need to Know in 2023

15+ Vital Video Marketing Statistics You Need to Know in 2023

Since a long time ago, video content has been on the rise. YouTube makers became famous, Instagram set up videos on its stage, and live streaming is now accessible on every primary social channel. 

They assist support your products and amenities to your target viewers. When building a successful video marketing plan, you must consider a couple of items. First, you want to set a schedule. 

How much of your brand’s budget will you allocate toward your video marketing efforts, if any? Allowing for how much you can place aside for your video production in London will assist set the range of your campaign.

  1. Internet user enjoy video content

The most recent data still demonstrates that the majority of viewers of digital video are young adults, despite analysts’ claims that the youngest and oldest age groups primarily drove this growth surge. Digital viewers account for more than nine out of ten consumers aged 12 to 44 in the United States. This age group only uses the internet to watch videos, at 63.8 percent. 

  1. 1 million videos worth

This represents a raise of 700 million customers available for advertising teams to aim with well-built video content. The product should also consider how they can create their content fit for large viewers, as we all identify the power that a viral video must lift a brand. This also suggests an extra method to improve SEO with well-versed Meta and alt-tagging information being linked with video content.

  1. Increasing video content

Numerous industry influencers are actively producing various types of video content to meet the rising demand for video. The respondents of this review guaranteed that video content is more popular, mainly because individuals are bound to focus on it. There is a greater propensity to skip sections of written and audio content. 

  1. Customer followers love seeing videos

Users are considering videos more and more on every platform. These guides alone explain how videos are success well-liked with the way of time. With video attractive and a great influence on customer decisions, it is not surprising that Instagram is on its way to becoming the best-growing platform that utilizes video content to drive buy.

  1. Marketing is lead generation channel

This increased excellence of leads can be qualified to the value of video teaching. Not simply do clients gain trust in business, but they’re also capable of educating themselves about the business or their product through interactive visuals. These stats explain that there’s no requirement to guess the profit of video marketing for a company.

  1. Purchasing decisions

Videos not only keep users more engaged, but they also play a significant role in how they make decisions. In addition, you can be sure that your digital marketing strategy is on the right path if even internet giants like Google call videos indispensable.

  1. Internet traffic

And specified the rising popularity of video, it must come as no surprise to its marketplace share in internet traffic is set to boost. The same learned by Cisco explains that traffic from live online videos will develop 15-fold in the five-year time from 2017 to 2023 and described for 17 percent of the whole internet video traffic divide by 2023.  

  1. Growing popularity

If the higher video marketing information has yet to induce you of its profit, how’s this to influence you: the time individuals spend watching videos online is rising. And all signs presently suggest that this will maintain to increase. 

  1. Profit of video marketing

Everything boils down to the profit from the venture return on initial capital investment. According to the data, 88% of video marketers are pleased with their social media video marketing ROI. The potential of video marketing to explain everything in a format that users prefer, the visual design, is one reason it is chosen as a marketing tool. 

  1. Customers choose to use the facebook live streaming platform.

Live video is a huge advertising tool to include with plans and devices as it improves digital connectivity and assists brands in obtaining a tone online. Live streaming explains that a business is current and that they have rather that is value sharing. 

  1. Demand for increasing video content

The following question arises after we have established that consumers enjoy watching brand-sponsored videos on social media. That video is a highly effective marketing tool: Which platforms are marketers’ primary targets of video marketing efforts? Facebook, the king of social media, comes next. Marketers plan to use the platform for video marketing in seven out of ten cases. 

Read More: 5+ Innovative Video Marketing Trends for 2022

  1. Use a powerful video marketing tool

Given the boost in applying for videos, it’s barely a disclosure that, increasingly, businesses are starting to contain video content as a component of their digital advertising strategy. After all, marketing specialists must not exclude the chance that video content can offer them. Video production London trusts in the possibility of video content to be able to produce their business. 

  1. Video advertising on public network Channels in 2023

The following question arises after we have established that consumers enjoy watching brand-sponsored videos on social media. That video is a highly effective marketing tool: Which platforms are marketers’ primary targets of video marketing efforts? Facebook, the king of social media, comes next. Marketers plan to use the platform for video marketing in seven out of ten cases. 

  1. Marketing professionals plan their marketing strategy over the next decade 

Video is such a necessary element of marketing plan for most advertising teams that it is being considered in strategy, not just satisfying methods. Usually, the marketing group will have ideas for operation or base their process on a solid call to action. But, the tendency in 2023 and away from is that a video is a device that can be used to guide various other forms of alteration. 

  1. B2B Companies use marketing tools 

We mean videos for social media or on-page tutorials on your website when discussing video marketing. The fact that this method of imparting knowledge is almost always promoted as a knowledge transfer exercise indicates that viewers are being exposed to more subliminal marketing strategies. 

  1. Video marketing gives more budgets 

You desire to invest your cash in content promotion; that is no secret. The primary trend to appear in 2023 is the home budget focus on making video content. 

Now, video production London companies recognize the need to invest suitably in these versatile guarantee pieces. 


We hope this has assisted discard various lights on how video advertising can be helpful for your e-commerce production. Smaller business is relatively easy when it gets to video production. This demonstrates that you do not require an entire cast and crew to immediately begin your video marketing efforts.

Also Check: 7 reasons your business should invest in animation


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